Sister Mary Rosaria Acton
April 16, 1926 ~ January 3, 2016
Sister Rosaria Acton went to her eternal reward on January 3, 2106. Sister Rosaria was born in County Galway, Ireland on April 16, 1926. She was the eldest of five children and the only daughter. She received her primary and secondary education in Ireland.
In 1947 she entered the Presentation Sisters Congregation at Fargo, ND with eight other young women from Ireland. She made her final profession of vows in August, 1953.
Sister Rosaria completed her B.A. and B.C. Degree at St Teresa’s College in Winona, MN and completed her M.T.S. Degree from the Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C. in 1962.
Sister Rosaria began her many years of teaching at St. Mary’s Elementary School in Fargo, ND. She taught there from 1949-1954. She was the chemistry teacher at Shanley from 1956-1970. She returned to Shanley and served from 1978-1983 as Assistant Principal and religious instructor. Sister also taught elementary school at Portageville and Poplar Bluff, MO for many years.
Sister Rosaria was President of the Congregation from 1970 -1977. She also served many years in other leadership positions in the Fargo Diocese.
She was preceded in death by her parents and brothers Peter and Christopher Acton.
Sister Rosaria is survived by her brothers Adrian and Michael and sister-in-law’s, Bredie, Kathleen and her Presentation Sisters.
Wonderful friend to me. Grateful beyond measure for her presence in my life.
Sister Rosaria was the “heart” of Sacred Heart School in Poplar Bluff, MO. She inspired so many students through the love of her faith and mathematics. We will remember her smile, her friendship, and her deep religious faith.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Sister Rosaria was one of the best teachers I have ever met at Sacred Heart in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Sr. Rosaria was a brilliant mathematician and was responsible for lots of student’s love of mathematics including our two sons. She was a kind, gentle and a Godly Irish nun that will be missed by many. I am sure Heaven rejoiced at her arrival!
Sister Rosaria was one of the finest teachers to ever grace a classroom anywhere on this planet. Known for her keen intelligence and her commanding presence, she was also kind, gentle, and patient with students like me who needed extra help to complete the chemistry course at Shanley. She was a gifted teacher who generously shared her gifts with her students. I shall never forget her. God Bless Sister Rosaria.
I will miss visiting with Sr. Rosaria when I return to Fargo. She had a beautiful smile and a precious twinkle in her Irish eyes. She was a wonderful teacher at Shanley High where she taught Chemistry and was always available for extra tutoring after class. She was a serious teacher who fought back giggles when non-serious students such as myself would make painful faces while working on difficult questions on her tests. I will miss this wonderful lady but now I can say I have another dear friend in Heaven looking out for me and her other students who loved her as I did.
Sister was my Godmother and my sponsor when I became Catholic. She touched my life and all those who knew her. Heaven has gained an angel.
Sister Rosaria was certainly one of a kind! We had the pleasure of having her as our Principal at St. Eustachius Catholic School in Portageville. MO for several years. She was loved not only by her students but by our whole parish family. She was an excellent teacher and a special person who touched many lives. Her smile and quick wit are things I will always remember about her! She inspired so many of us by how she lived her life! May God comfort those who loved her and will miss her.
Such a very blessed Nun and true friend.
Sister Rosaria touched so many lives, her memory will live on in our hearts…she was loved by many at St. Eustachius! Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free!
I follow the plan God laid for me.
I saw His face, I heard His call,
I took His hand and left it all…
I could not stay another day,
To love, to laugh, to work or play;
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
And if my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss…
Ah yes, these things I, too, shall miss.
My life’s been full, I’ve savored much:
Good times, good friends, a loved-one’s touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief –
Don’t shorten yours with undue grief.
Be not burdened with tears of sorrow,
Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.
She was principal at St. Eustachius Catholic school in Portageville, MO. I was very young when she taught there but remember her well growing up.
sr rosaria was a a teacher many years ago when i was a student at shanley and i am happy to say she was a friend through the years after shanley. her smile was always so warm and special. may she rest in peace.
sharon lepine-wolf class of 61
Beautiful woman and follower of Christ. She not only had an obscure sense of humor but the power to transcend the power of the mind! She will always be with me.
Dear Sister Rosaria,
Thank you for your love, faith and time in serving at St. Eustachius School. My daughters respect and adore you. We had many Saturday fried chicken meals together at Mrs. Florence Scherer’s home. I, along with daughters and husband, will always remember you.
Restored in Jesus Name….Love You Sister Rosaria…
Judy Scherer
Sister Rosaria was my teacher in elementary school at St. Eustachius in Portageville, MO. A lot of the kids found her intimidating, but I always liked her. She was stern, yet kind, and I’ve wondered often where she was. I’m sad to hear of her passing, yet so happy for her that she got to meet our Maker. Love you, dear lady, until we meet again.
Sister Rosaria was such a blessing to our school and all those who knew her at St Eustachius Parish. I have such fond memories of her as a teacher/principal while attending St. Eustachius School. She was a wonderful teacher! I can still remember her laugh and her Irish accent. She will forever be associated with our school and will forever remain part of my fondest memories as a student.
Tricia Rone
Sister was such a fine example of her vocation and was my son’s, Cooper, first exposure to nuns. We admired her for her tenacity and wit along with her unending love for the Lord and children. She was so very special and will forever be remembered in prayer by our family. We are fortunate to have her praying for us in heaven! Erin go Bragh!
Sr. Rosaria is my favorite nun that I had throughout my 12 years of parochial school. I loved her Irish accent, her great sense of humor and just chatting in high school about traveling and Ireland. She inspired me to just go for it in life and things will work out. We had some great talks and she has been unforgettable and much loved by me. May she rest in peace now with God.
I actually met Sister Rosaria during enrollment for school to St. Eustachius Catholic School in Portageville Missouri ( 1993-1994). She came to Sacred Heart Church in Caruthersville, Missouri to enroll our students for the upcoming school year. She brought a student (John Paul Long) with her to talk to us anxious parents that everything was going to work out, that our faith would carry us through on this new journey!! I will forever be grateful to Sister Rosaria and John Paul for their testimony of Catholic school education!! I have never regretted my decision sending my 3 boys to SES!! On one of her last days at SES, I will never forget watching her go down the big metal slide on the playground, laughing all the way to the bottom, all the students LOVED it!!! She was definitely one of a kind and will be greatly missed. Rest in peace Sister!!
While a part of me was sad to learn of Sr. Rosaria’s death, I am so grateful that she is resting in the peace of the Lord! She had such a beautiful influence in her last years at Shanley. She was kind enough to keep in touch for many years while she was in Missouri as well as in her retirement back to Fargo. She has left a beautiful imprint upon my heart.
Sr. Rosaria has had a lasting impact on so many lives and I feel fortunate to have been one of those people. Lucky me, I got to have her as my grade school teacher and again as my high school Chemistry teacher in Fargo. She taught me much more than just academics…….she taught me important life lessons about relating to all of God’s people. RESPECT is what she earned. She’ll be remembered by me for her kindness, intelligence and understanding, just ways. The picture on her obituary displays her cute smile, where her witty, Irish humor sparkled through. She will be long remembered for the good she has done for all of those lucky enough to have known her.
Many lives were blessed by Sister Rosaria. She was a teacher and the Principal throughout my years at St. Eustachius in Portageville. I’ve often wondered where she was as time went by. Thank you, Sister Rosaria, for all you did in shaping our lives. I know I’m better off for your influence, and so is our little town. Your job here is done, and I look forward to the day we meet again.
It was with sadness that I heard that Sr Rosaria had died. It was not sadness FOR her …..she had a long, productive and deeply religious life. Rather it was sadness for all of those who will never have the blessing of knowing her and being taught by her. Whenever I ponder the ten most important people in my life, she is always on that list.. Once I was asked in an internet security profile, “Name your favorite teacher.” That answer was simple….”Sr Rosaria” I replied. So I am officially on record in stating that for some years. I am so glad I had the chance a while ago to tell her that. Going in to my first Chemistry class I approached it with some trepidation. When I saw her stern face, I was even more nervous She was serious about her work, but through the year I saw that face often break out into the warmest, and most understanding smile I could imagine. It was not so much WHAT she taught, (I have long since forgotten those chemistry facts), but how she taught me to study. She personally sat down with me and taught, among other things, the art of “outlining.” Those are the things that have stayed with me all of these 72 years of my life. I am so grateful to her for that. I have a feeling she is up in heaven giving a tutorial to someone on how to outline their thoughts.:-) God bless this wonderful woman. I am a better person because of the privilege I had to have her in my life. Rest in Peace.
I am sorry I could not be there with the sisters for the funeral and services. Rosaria was a special lady to many people. She will be greatly missed. Her legacy will live on though in the many lives she has touched. Rest in Peace.
Sister Rosaria and I taught next to each other at Shanley during the sixties.
She was a great woman and a good friend. I will miss her.
Thank you sister. One of my greatest science teachers. You will be remembered
May you be the catalyst in your new home
Ed Lind ’61
Sr. taught me at St. Mary’s elementary school in Fargo and Chemistry at Shanley High School in Fargo. She was awesome! I feel she contributed to my success in Chemistry in college and my nursing career! God bless!
Sister Rosaria was a wonderful mentor and friend. I am blessed to have known such a wonderful person. She touched my life in so many ways, I am very grateful for her guidance and friendship.
So happy that we got to meet up again in Moyard this past summer. Rest in peace Sister Rosaria.
Sr. Rosaria became such a good friend while at St. Eustacius School in Portageville, Missouri. She and Father Fergus had lunch with us at Janet’s mom’s (Florence Scherer) almost every Saturday for her entire tenure at St. Eustachius School. We all laughed and had such a good time with stories from Ireland. Our oldest daughter Rachel came to love her. She was Rachel’s best friend at elementary school. Rachel, a gifted child, had trouble fitting in with some of the other students. Rachel loved her science and math which became a connection with Sr. Rosaria that inspired Rachel who finished graduate school. We will always love her. We were sad when she went to Poplar Bluff and even more so when she went to Fargo. She did visit Portageville after returning to Fargo and we were lucky enough to see her again. She will forever remain as one of God’s great blessings to our family. We wanted her family to know. We know she is a saint. She will always be in our memory until we can join her in heaven. She was God’s great gift to all the children she taught. Thank God for Sr. Rosaria.
Sister Rosaria was one of my favorite teachers ever and an inspiration. I will always remember her.
Sister Rosaria was one of my best teachers. College chemistry and physics were easy after taking her classes in high school. I’m sure many of her students remember the dreaded words “fourth row go to the board”
I had the privilege of learning from Sister Rosaria for several years and she remains to this day my favorite teacher. She was one of the most kind and genuine people I’ve ever known and was always smart as a tack. We always used to call her “the human calculator” because of how quick witted and intelligent she was. Every day before school started at Sacred Heart I would dust her erasers and clean her chalk boards, not expecting anything in return. However, she would always give me a hug and a Kit Kat. I will always cherish the time I had with this sweet woman.